What is the Tech Radar?

The LambdaWorks Tech Radar is a list of technologies, complemented by an assessment result, called ring assignment. We use six rings with the following semantics:

  • ADOPT — Technologies we have high confidence in to serve our purpose, also in large scale. Low risk and recommended to be widely used.
  • TRIAL — Technologies that we believe should be adopted in the future and we have started to incorporate them, but we're yet to have serious usage experience with them before they could move to ADOPT.
  • ASSESS — Technologies that we believe could be of value to us in the future, but we're still in a research and experimentation phase to assess whether our confidence in them is high enough to apply them on a project.
  • HOLD — Technologies we have adopted in the past and we have existing projects relying on them, we plan to keep using them on the existing projects, but we prefer not applying them on new projects.
  • PHASE OUT — Techologies we have adopted in the past and we have existing projects relying on them, but we've decided to gradually reduce dependency on them.
  • OPT OUT — Techologies that we've either concluded not to adopt based on assessment or we have adopted in the past and have phased out.

What is the purpose?

The Tech Radar is a tool to inspire and support engineering teams at LambdaWorks to pick the best technologies for new projects; it provides a platform to share knowledge and experience in technologies, to reflect on technology decisions and continuously evolve our technology landscape.

How do we maintain it?

Assignment of technologies to rings is the outcome of ring change proposals, which are discussed and voted on. The Tech Radar is open for contribution for all engineering teams at LambdaWorks and depends on their active participation to share lessons learned, pitfalls, and contribute to good practices on using the technologies.


This Tech Radar was created based on the open source Zalando Tech Radar.