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Executing Requests

In order to get the functional effect of executing a specified Elasticsearch request, you should call the execute method defined in the Elasticsearch, which returns a ZIO that requires an Elasticsearch, fails with a Throwable and returns the relevant value A for that request. The Elasticsearch.layer can be provided using the following import:

import zio.elasticsearch.Elasticsearch

However, Elasticsearch.layer requires a dependency on the ElasticExector. To provide the dependency on ElasticExecutor, you must pass one of the ZLayers from the following import:

import zio.elasticsearch.ElasticExecutor

For example, if you want to execute requests on an Elasticsearch server running on localhost and port 9200, you can achieve that in two ways:

  • provide the live ZLayer to your effect, along with a SttpBackend and an ElasticConfig layer,
  • or provide ElasticExecutor.local layer along with a SttpBackend.
import zio._
import zio.elasticsearch._
import sttp.client3.httpclient.zio.HttpClientZioBackend

val result: RIO[Elasticsearch, Boolean] =
Elasticsearch.execute(ElasticRequest.exists(IndexName("index"), DocumentId("documentId")))

// Executing Elasticsearch requests with provided ElasticConfig layer explicitly
ZLayer.succeed(ElasticConfig("localhost", 9200)) >>>,

// Executing Elasticsearch requests with local ElasticExecutor