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Update By Query Request

The UpdateByQuery request updates documents that match the specified query. If no query is specified, performs an update on every document in the specified Elasticsearch index.

In order to use the UpdateByQuery request import the following:

import zio.elasticsearch.ElasticRequest.UpdateByQueryRequest
import zio.elasticsearch.ElasticRequest._

You can create a UpdateByQuery request using the updateAllByQuery method in the following manner:

// this import is required for using `IndexName`
import zio.elasticsearch._
import zio.elasticsearch.script.Script

val request: UpdateByQueryRequest = updateAllByQuery(index = IndexName("index"), script = Script("ctx._source.intField += params['factor']").params("factor" -> 2))

You can create a UpdateByQuery request using the updateByQuery method in the following manner:

import zio.elasticsearch._
import zio.elasticsearch.script.Script
import zio.elasticsearch.ElasticQuery._

val request: UpdateByQueryRequest = updateByQuery(index = IndexName("index"), query = contains(field =, value = "test"), script = Script("ctx._source.intField += params['factor']").params("factor" -> 2))

If you want to change the conflicts, you can use the conflicts method:

import zio.elasticsearch.request.UpdateConflicts.Proceed

val requestWithConflicts: UpdateByQueryRequest = updateAllByQuery(index = IndexName("index"), script = Script("ctx._source.intField += params['factor']").params("factor" -> 2)).conflicts(Proceed)

If you want to change the refresh, you can use refresh, refreshFalse or refreshTrue method:

val requestWithRefresh: UpdateByQueryRequest = updateAllByQuery(index = IndexName("index"), script = Script("ctx._source.intField += params['factor']").params("factor" -> 2)).refresh(true)
val requestWithRefreshFalse: UpdateByQueryRequest = updateAllByQuery(index = IndexName("index"), script = Script("ctx._source.intField += params['factor']").params("factor" -> 2)).refreshFalse
val requestWithRefreshTrue: UpdateByQueryRequest = updateAllByQuery(index = IndexName("index"), script = Script("ctx._source.intField += params['factor']").params("factor" -> 2)).refreshTrue

If you want to change the routing, you can use the routing method on any of previously mentioned methods:

// this import is required for using `Routing` also
import zio.elasticsearch._

val requestWithRouting: UpdateByQueryRequest = updateAllByQuery(index = IndexName("index"), script = Script("ctx._source.intField += params['factor']").params("factor" -> 2)).routing(Routing("routing"))

You can find more information about UpdateByQuery request here.