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Constant Score Query

The ConstantScore query wraps a filter query and returns every matching document with a relevance score equal to the boost parameter value.

In order to use the ConstantScore query import the following:

import zio.elasticsearch.query.ConstantScoreQuery
import zio.elasticsearch.ElasticQuery._

You can create a ConstantScore query with arbitrary query(MatchPhrase in this example) using the constantScore method in the following manner:

val query: ConstantScoreQuery = constantScore(matchPhrase(field = "name", value = "test"))

You can create a type-safe ConstantScore query with arbitrary type-safe query(MatchPhrase in this example) using the constantScore method in the following manner:

val query: ConstantScoreQuery = constantScore(matchPhrase(field =, value = "test"))

If you want to change the boost, you can use boost method:

val queryWithBoost: ConstantScoreQuery = constantScore(matchPhrase(field =, value = "test")).boost(2.2)

You can find more information about ConstantScore query here.