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Range Query

A query that matches documents that contain terms within a provided range.

In order to use the Range query import the following:

import zio.elasticsearch.query.RangeQuery
import zio.elasticsearch.ElasticQuery._

You can create a Range query using the range method in the following manner:

val query: RangeQuery = range(field = "intField")

You can create a type-safe Range query using the range method in the following manner:

val query: RangeQuery = range(field = Document.intField)

If you want to change boost, you can use the boost method:

val queryWithBoost: RangeQuery = range(field = Document.intField).boost(2.0)

If you want to change format, you can use the format method:

val queryWithFormat: RangeQuery = range(field = Document.dateField).format("yyyy-MM-dd")

If you want to change gt (greater than), you can use the gt method:

val queryWithGt: RangeQuery = range(field = Document.intField).gt(1)

If you want to change gte (greater than or equal to), you can use the gte method:

val queryWithGte: RangeQuery = range(field = Document.intField).gte(1)

If you want to change lt (less than), you can use the lt method:

val queryWithLt: RangeQuery = range(field = Document.intField).lt(100)

If you want to change lte (less than or equal to), you can use the lte method:

val queryWithLte: RangeQuery = range(field = Document.intField).lte(100)

You can find more information about Range query here.